Thursday, December 3, 2009

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Well, I'm at home and it's tough leaving little Cooper at the hospital. It's a whirlwind of activity there in the NICU--as of today 58 babies in some state of crisis or another. Cooper is doing fine so far. He lost about an ounce which is normal for all newborns, but he's made great strides in other areas. Today they removed him from the CPAP (which helped him breathe) to a Vaportherm, a small tube in his nostrils. I was allowed to change his diaper, pick him up while his nurse changed his bedding, take his temperature, and for the first time, see his face and head minus all the equipment. I see a lot of Matt in him, except for his nose. He has a good bit of hair and is well proportioned even though he's small. He was fed breast milk through a tiny tube that goes down his throat into his tummy. He's on a light for his bilirubin levels (liver function). He still has a long way to go, but it's a good start. Keep him in your prayers.

1 comment:

  1. Leslie, I am glad he is doing so well. I think about you all the time. I pray every night for you all. It is so awesome that he is on the Vaportherm! Congrats on the breastfeeding. Pumping is tough but you will be such a pro when you can finally breastfeed him! I remember the first moment I was finally allowed to BF Bug. It was so amazing. HIGS and God Bless!
